Theosis/Union with God
“Our quest for communion with the everlasting God reorients our vision, directing it toward the eternal destiny of all mankind. We...
Love and Action/Will
"Love is a choice, a choice we must go on making for the rest of our lives. To love is not to act on instinct but to set before ourselves...
False Teaching
“False teachers are always charmed by their own ideas about truth. Worse, because they willfully attract others to adopt their ideas,...
Grace and Discernment
“When one receives grace, there is then need for the greatest prudence and discernment. God gives these to the person that asks Him for...
Love (Toughness of Love)
“It [love] is tough because it means dependency on God for that which we cannot do by ourselves. It is tough because the objects of our...
“God is our refuge and power, a help in afflictions that severely befall us…Be still and know that I am God…God is a refuge for His...
“Mark 6:7-13, especially vs. 7: “And He called the twelve to Himself, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over...
Spiritual Perception/Warfare/Experiences
“The life of a believer is not one of ease but a constant spiritual battle.” (Foundation Study Bible, 2 Corinthians 10:4) “…there is a...
“Many believers today think that pain is the exception in the Christian life. When suffering occurs, they say, “Why me?” They feel as...
“…modern believers may know that God is real, but He is real…only at defined moments. …In none of them is God steadily the dominant...