“…every created thing has a “logicity” – it is made by and through the Logos (Christ, the Word of God). The truth of any existing thing...
“…many of the key aspects which Scripture is primarily concerned with (including, as in Matthew 12, Who Jesus truly is) can only be...
“We have within us the beginning of the Divine—the ability to recognize the uncreated God, sensing His presence in our lives and trusting...
Modern Culture
“While every godly expression of our talents, and every lawful calling, can become an occasion to glorify God, the cultural mandate of...
Love and Knowledge
“Knowledge is power and love is the aim; when they go hand in hand we have a wonderful result. ‘Knowledge puffs up whereas love builds...
Inner/Outer Life
“Inner watchfulness is a primary element of our life in Christ, and far more important than following outward events. Our Lord makes this...
Contemporary Thinking
“The culture of our own time continues this separation from Christianity, but not only from Christianity. Contemporary culture is losing...
“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the...
“Freedom is an essential characteristic of the Christian life Christ promised that the truth would set us free…The experience of freedom...
Interior/Inner Life
“Sin works in the soul and heart, but most terribly in the mind (Romans 1:28) or nous, which is the center or eye of the heart according...