“God . . . set no limits for any of us on the spiritual plane . . . We are called to eternal life in the Kingdom of our Father which is...
“Misunderstandings occur frequently in John's Gospel (see 2:19–21; 4:10–14, 30–34; 6:27; 7:37–39; 11:11–15). Christ uses these...
“The first evangelist was Jesus Christ. He is still the model. He set the standard for all evangelists. We read in Luke 4:18 how the Lord...
“The Word became flesh; that is, the Son of God, co-eternal with God the Father and with the Holy Spirit, became human – having become...
“This unique reality that constitutes our true self, is, in its most foundational aspect, a gift. We never “create ourselves”…We are not...
Love (Reciprocal)
“The primary vector in this complex of relationships [God and man] is vertical, that is, the relationship of man to God. Yet this...
“Death is the great leveler. People who have beauty, riches (Psalms 49:16–17), and power in this world will lose them all at death. They...
“Collectively and individually, we are crying for the solace of reconnection with God.” (Sue Patton Thoele) “...one must first strive to...
“We are not alone in our problems or suffering, even if we imagine ourselves to be desolate. We share a common humanity with others and...
“Any excessive focus on form alone will disrupt our communion with God and our ability to love others as Christ commands.” (Dynamis...