Mind of Christ
“St. Paul called “that mindset which was in Christ Jesus,” the phronema Christou (Phil. 2.5).”…Our phronema is our mindset, but mental...
“There is a big difference between having compulsions and being a slave to them. We share in Christ’s victory over sin through our union...
Interior/Inner Life
“Sin works in the soul and heart, but most terribly in the mind (Romans 1:28) or nous, which is the center or eye of the heart according...
Life (Book of Life)
“Let us think of our human existence as a book. Most people regard this present life as the actual text, the main story, and they see the...
Jesus and Judas
“Jesus clearly knew that Judas felt no kindness or wise consideration for his master. He also knew that Judas was full of devilishly...
Walking with God (Integrated Life)
“If we find that we too are limping along in our walk with the Lord, then we might ask ourselves whether unknowingly or not, we have...
“ ‘So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the...
“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights He was hungry....
Spiritual Fruit
“…let us heed Jesus’ warning to the fig tree. When He finds a lush but fruitless tree, He curses it to wither away (Matthew 21:19) and...
Heart (Hardened and Rebellious)
“…we must beware of the hardening of our hearts (Hebrews 3:15). In Greek, the word “harden” refers to “making stubborn” or...