“Zeal without knowledge is damaging and dangerous. A little knowledge can be worse than complete ignorance, especially when we become...
Sin (Three Sins of Mankind)
“Note the three sins...of all mankind: (1) forsaking God; (2) false worship; and (3) preoccupation with themselves.” (Orthodox Study...
Awareness (and Prayer)
“…by prayer, we practice the habit of keeping God “before our eyes.” Eventually, our constant awareness of the Lord’s presence in prayer...
“Tribalism is found throughout human society. Humans favor their own group however they define it. And they distinguish themselves from...
“ ‘For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt’ (Mark 9:49). Being seasoned with fire means...
Spiritual Warfare and Standing Fast
“Who among us has not faltered and taken a wrong step? How often do we let pain or troubles steal our peace in Christ?...a multitude of...
“Man-centered ritualism is deadly….Ascetic practices—prayer, fasting, almsgiving—are taught by God (Matthew 6), but enemies lie along...
“James 5:16 draws the contrast to such Spiritless worship and prayer: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”...
“Our reading [Romans 6:18-23] presents a different understanding of freedom than the view of our society. This contrasting perspective...
Christ's Love
“… Christ has brought salvation to the world, not by merely giving us a religious code of conduct, but by making us participants in His...