“I find the bits and pieces of everyday life much more precious than the hopes and dreams of an unlived future. Clouds passing in the sky...
“...God comes into our lives when we invite Him with all our being, opening the gates of our heart from the inside. He will not come...
Prayer and the Spirit of God
“Prayer is constant communication with the Source of your life. Prayer is like the strings supporting the marionette. When you develop...
Finding Christ
“…all goodness and beauty in this world possesses an intrinsic value because it comes from God and participates in Him. Accordingly, we...
Trials and Temptations
“What is the danger of being astonished when such a trial comes? Let’s go back to the Last Supper that Jesus had with his disciples....
Life and Death
“ ‘The waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered…And all flesh died that...
“True knowledge changes us. “If only I had known,” can also mean, “If only I had been a different person.” Knowledge, in this biblical...
“Many people indeed live lives of “quiet desperation” simply because they have no hope and cannot imagine where hope would begin. The...
“…our awareness is so freighted with thinking. Whenever we turn within we meet chatter, thinking, and commenting…But because the...
“Everything is beautiful, all gives God glory in its unique manner. One cannot recognize that without the insight of the Holy Spirit. If...