Body and Soul/Spiritual and Physical
“That the soul is superior to the body is an assumption based in Hellenistic philosophy and is a bit dualistic as the bible presents...
Theosis/Union with God (2)
“Jesus Christ, by His Incarnation, life, death on the cross, Resurrection, and ascension, overcame sin and death by recreating and...
Crosses to Bear
“ “Take up your cross,” says Jesus Christ. He didn’t say to create or construct yourself a cross. Christ also didn’t choose or build...
God's Love
“As soon as the Lord looked upon this paralyzed man and looked upon the faith of those who brought Him, He immediately said to the man...
Grief and Grieving
“There is a movement to our grief—a progression that leads to a conclusion. That conclusion is a place of acceptance and peace—acceptance...
Attention and Distraction
“St. Peter — always the most zealous of the disciples — then made an extremely bold reply: “Lord, if it be Thou, bid me come unto Thee on...
“From a lack of contentment comes death…What we see in the Garden is paradise. A place of intimate and immediate communion with God,...
“The Cross is not so much something we did to Jesus as it is something He did for us. It is voluntary. It is revelatory. The Cross makes...
“God tells us to be holy as He is holy. This holiness is a characteristic of the divine, that which separates or distinguishes divinity...
Knowing and Being Known
“The apostles were important in the life of the Church not because they knew a lot about Christ, but because they knew Christ. And so we...