Gifts and Talents
“It’s impossible to harvest the fields with a shovel, or to hammer with a sickle, or to build with a knife, or to dig with a saw… but...
Love of Self
“From a spiritual perspective, much of what we experience on a moment-to-moment basis, is pathological. That is to say, it is a product...
Mystery and Revelation
“The word “apocalypse” means “to remove the veil from that which is hidden, that which is in darkness, that which is covered.” It’s the...
“A difficulty in our present world is that we are confronted with distorted versions of our Christian selves. Various critical theory...
“We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into...
“Without turning to God, without regular prayer, confession and Communion we will always be powerless before our sins.” (Priest Alexei...
“Yahweh does not respect persons … It is because of His own character and their responsibility to bring about His justice that the judges...
“The teaching of the faith regarding Personhood requires an acceptance of the connectedness of existence. Human sin tends towards...
Freedom (as a gift)
“We relish this concept of unfettered freedom. But, of course, it is absurd, even for a secularist. For whether we choose to admit it or...
Order and Disorder
“Have you seen how, with creation, when God wished to make creation, with how much harmony and godly wisdom everything was put together,...