“It is that divine initiative, that self-offering by God Himself, which elicits from us faith manifested as repentance and good deeds....
“The Holy Spirit, one of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity comes to abide in us, God’s people, if we are receptive to having the...
Lies and Lying
“Among the weakest things in the world of social relations is the truth. That might seem to be an odd statement. However, the weakness of...
Life (Book of Life)
“Let us think of our human existence as a book. Most people regard this present life as the actual text, the main story, and they see the...
“St. Paul identifies Christ as the “Wisdom of God,” and the “Power of God” (1 Cor. 1:24). And in doing so, specifically links this with...
Spiritual Progress and Regress
“It is not those who begin the race who are seen as champions, but only those who finish the race. As Jesus taught us in Matthew 10:22 –...
“We are not alone in our problems or suffering, even if we imagine ourselves to be desolate. We share a common humanity with others and...