Wisdom (and Information)
“…there are two kinds of wisdom. One is the insight that comes from human rationality. This kind of reasoning is limited to reaching...
“Conquest is an evil productive of almost every other evil both to those who commit and to those who suffer it.” (C.S. Lewis) “The Lord...
“I knew a woman who was a self-professed non-believer, though she was willing to believe. Her husband began bringing her to my parish....
Love (and Spiritual Blindness)
“Why does a man not see God? Because he has not love. He has not love because he does not love his brother…The heart’s eye must be...
“The Church is not merely a refuge from the troubles and sorrow of the world, though it can be that. Its real purpose is to equip us to...
Free Will
“At times we may become so consumed and focused on our own problems and worries that we forget that God is there. We also may feel that...
“We go to Church to set our hearts on fire with love for God and the world. We go to Church because there are so many things to care...
Love (Sacrificial)
“Let us enlarge the hope within us by our feeble efforts to keep the commandment to love. Like infants, we mimic our loving Father and...
Love and Truth
“[The Hebrew word] Emeth is ‘truth,’ but not merely in contrast to falsehood. It is commonly translated ‘fidelity’ or ‘faithfulness’ and...
Sin (Guilt and Self-Condemnation and God's Love)
Quotes of the Day for September 2, 2021 – Thoughts on reclaiming and/or dwelling on sin “St. Paul describes the power of sin (the law of...