Stewardship and Creation
“…mankind’s God-given mission is set forth: “Let them have dominion over . . . all the earth” (Genesis 1:28). Respect and care for God’s...
“… it has become commonplace to observe that American society is more deeply divided than at any time in our history since the Civil War....
Spiritual Life
“[the book of Genesis ]… commences with, ‘In the beginning God created…” and ends with the words, ‘… in a coffin in Egypt.‘ These first...
“…our age is haunted. On the one hand, we live under a brass heaven, ensconced in immanence. We live in the twilight of both gods and...
“Some of what we experience of God still remains a mystery despite our entering into that mystery. Human logic is not able to account for...
“Whether we realize it or not, we are growing in the image of something or someone every day of our lives. We can easily become living...
Spiritual Blindness and Deafness
“There are both different degrees of blindness as well as different kinds of blindness. There is physical blindness in which the eyes...
Love (and Condemnation)
“God, from the depth of His being, is love. This love is not limited to a one-time action, nor bound by a conditional time-frame. God’s...
Time (How We Spend it)
“Time is on our side, or at least on this side of eternity. Eternity is not time continuing on forever, but the end of time or a state in...
“ “prosperity gospel.” This teaching asserts that because God wants us to be prosperous, suffering should have no place in the Christian...