“St Paul notes that he dies to himself daily in order to serve the Lord Jesus. He is, of course, speaking in a spiritual sense about...
“All truth is God’s truth, wherever it is found. This is explicated well by both St. Basil…and also by St. Justin Martyr in his doctrine...
“It should be common knowledge (though it is not) that the whole of our purpose in this life is communion with God, and, together with...
“Christ was hidden in the Scriptures, which could not be understood until the time when the things that they had spoken of had come to...
“A superficial reading of the epistle [Titus 3:8-15] for the 6th Sunday of Matthew gives the impression of dry moralism…The Christian...
“In the created world only the human being combines material and spiritual elements. Human existence is thus differentiated from...
“Have we been living reactively or proactively? Each one has profound ramifications for our emotional, spiritual, and physical health....
Holy Spirit
“Because the early Church treated the entire period from Pascha-Ascension-Pentecost as one 50 day feast, they did not separate the...
“In today’s gospel passage [Matthew 10:9-15] the Lord Jesus reviews the material provisions we need as we engage in the task of...
Weariness (Fatigue)
“People today are weary, confused and darkened by sin and egoism….People need to realize that their life is troubled because they have...