Spiritual Slavery
“Most people today surely do not think of the weeks before Christmas as a time of preparation for being loosed from bondage to the...
“Christ brings to an end all the divisions which have separated humans…Christ brings together all things (symbol [symbolos]) bringing to...
“This particular passage opens with the phrase, “Now it happened...” in which Saint Luke refers to Bethany as a “certain village,” and...
Reconciliation (and Salvation)
“Salvation is historical (I am saved), and salvation is a process (I am being saved), and also, salvation is a future event (I will be...
Life (of the World)
“…properly theological cosmology and “history” of salvation—the economy or the plan of salvation—begins with the Passion of Christ, and...
Judgment Day
“Judgment Day will not be based on the relativity of how I measure up compared to others. My judgment will be based on what I did with...
“The term “watchfulness” denotes unceasing vigilance within the heart. True prayer cannot be attained without watchfulness, just as...
Body of Christ
“Christ is never Christ alone, for He incorporates each of us into His body. He shares the resurrection with all those who believe in...
Spiritual and Material
“… that the whole tendency to differentiate material, secular, or natural things, on the one hand; from supernatural, spiritual, divine...
Love and Knowledge
“Knowledge is power and love is the aim; when they go hand in hand we have a wonderful result. ‘Knowledge puffs up whereas love builds...