“On each day of creation, God sees that what He has created is good. Only after God creates humans does God proclaim His creation to be...
“…the Lord taught that the purity that the Jewish Law sought to preserve does not come from outside ourselves. It comes from the inside,...
“Christianity is seen as a cohesive way of life that encompasses the whole of a person.” (Fr. Stephen De Young) “Christianity does not...
“…our awareness is so freighted with thinking. Whenever we turn within we meet chatter, thinking, and commenting…But because the...
Kingdom of God/Heaven
“The mystery of the Kingdom of God is made known to a heart that asks, that seeks, that knocks. It is a heart that has returned to the...
“Everything is beautiful, all gives God glory in its unique manner. One cannot recognize that without the insight of the Holy Spirit. If...
“During the first century, the people of God envisioned the Messiah as a descendant of David (Matthew 12:23) who would conquer nations...
“In our comfort-oriented culture, it has become second nature to avoid those who are suffering or lonely, or whose lives are messy and...
Following Christ
“…becoming Christ’s disciple does not originate with us…We are always free to answer yes or no, but Christ initiates…Following Christ is...
“In the Christian (or post-Christian) West, declaring death in battle to be a sacrifice necessarily links it to Christ’s archetypical...