“On some level we feel that we can’t trust others, that we can’t trust God to do what is right, and that we have to be in control by...
Gifts and Talents
“It’s impossible to harvest the fields with a shovel, or to hammer with a sickle, or to build with a knife, or to dig with a saw… but...
“Our Risen Lord has liberated us from slavery to the fear of death, which is at the root of all our anxiety and despair. So the next time...
“A difficulty in our present world is that we are confronted with distorted versions of our Christian selves. Various critical theory...
“The language of abiding is very profound and widespread in the New Testament and especially in the Gospel of John where it’s a major...
God's Love
“As soon as the Lord looked upon this paralyzed man and looked upon the faith of those who brought Him, He immediately said to the man...
“From a lack of contentment comes death…What we see in the Garden is paradise. A place of intimate and immediate communion with God,...
“God tells us to be holy as He is holy. This holiness is a characteristic of the divine, that which separates or distinguishes divinity...
Dangerous Pride
“The term translated as “pride” in Orthodox Tradition is the Greek philautia—literally, “love of self.” It does not mean a proper concern...
“We should pray for the ability to distinguish discernment from judgment. The word discernment is derived from the idea of perception. It...