Patience and Suffering
"So much of modern life is aimed at achieving quick results: there is a kind of immediacy that technology has made possible. If there is...
Love (As Struggle)
“Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality. No one can become fully aware of the very...
"When we blame our circumstances or the life we happen to be experiencing, we are blaming God. When we look to excuse ourselves by...
“If you would enter into the mystery, then, like Christ Himself, you must become small, weak, poor, misunderstood, and willing to be...
""Independent thinking is an important goal of our education system. We want our children to grow up thinking for themselves so that they...
"Too often we recall that Adam and Eve were cast out of Paradise for disobedience and sin. In one sense this is true, but there is a...
Humbling Ourselves
"This is the spirit of our age: the reliance on our own sense of right as an arbiter of all things. It is the refusal to humble ourselves...
Love and Action/Will
"Love is a choice, a choice we must go on making for the rest of our lives. To love is not to act on instinct but to set before ourselves...
“Each of us has some manifestation of Christ’s grace in us. This comes out in our personalities and our talents. There is no one who has...
Silence and Prayer
“…silence is the preferred sound of the soul. The noise of the mind is the chatter of distraction. Such a description is frustrating to...