Judgment Seat of Christ
“What is the meaning of Jesus’ statement “I do not judge anyone”? [John 8:15] It is clear that Jesus did judge (even in the next verse)...
“One thing is for sure, the Holy Spirit, “who is everywhere and fills all things” hates limitations. If you doubt it, just test Him, for...
Encountering God/Christ
“Reading the Scriptures, studying the church fathers, attending worship, praying, and meditating are all good and godly things. But they...
Begotten/ "Only Begotten"
“For this is the way God loved the world: He have His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have...
Loving God and Loving Others
“In the heart that knows nothing but love, there is no distinction between the love of God and the love of neighbor. The Apostle writes...
Free Will
“At times we may become so consumed and focused on our own problems and worries that we forget that God is there. We also may feel that...
“It takes the spiritual gift of discernment to recognize the difference between what comes from our own ego and what comes from the...
“There will be good days – those days when things fall into place and you feel that God is using the gifts that He has given you for His...
Humility and Pain and Suffering
“The measure of a man’s spiritual growth is his humility. The more advanced he is spiritually, the more humble he is. And vice versa: the...
Prayer Rule
“Regarding the matter of how much to pray, Fr. Thomas Hopko had a wise saying. He said to pray as much as you can, not as much as you...