Individualism (Modern Notions)
“It is insistence on the individualistic mode of the created that constitutes ‘evil’ and freedom from this mode, self-transcendence in...
“We have to follow our life’s path, although our life isn’t always perfect. Let’s not just stand around waiting for everything to be...
“St. Maximus the Confessor describes human beings as a “microcosm,” that is, as the universe (cosmos) made small (micro). This indicates...
“…Church is a hospital. The model of a courtroom or a business or even a social club is misguided and lacks the heart and the purpose of...
Jesus Christ (Life in Christ)
“A depraved life always gives rise to the illusion of happiness, and only a virtuous life in the gospel spirit can bring accomplishments...
“Desire is transformed into lust when we exclude God from the picture. Without God, the natural powers of our soul become corrupt. Abba...
“Sin is not ultimately about breaking rules; rather, it is about erecting false notions of what it means to flourish as a human...
“During the first century, the people of God envisioned the Messiah as a descendant of David (Matthew 12:23) who would conquer nations...
“Christ brings to an end all the divisions which have separated humans…Christ brings together all things (symbol [symbolos]) bringing to...
Christian Life
“…to grow in the faith and to mature in our Christian life, we need to “turn aside” from our thoughtless and superficial way of life. We...