Faith and Knowledge
“In order to become wise, we must first become fools. The most valuable knowledge of all is the knowledge of what we don’t know. The...
Spiritual Warfare and Thought
“Even if we do not constantly struggle against “murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies” (Matthew 12:19),...
Kings and Kingdoms
“Jesus assumed the existence of a spirit world—so much so that a major theme of His preaching highlighted the clash between two kingdoms:...
“The Word became flesh; that is, the Son of God, co-eternal with God the Father and with the Holy Spirit, became human – having become...
Healthy Mind
“…before his conversion on the Damascus Road, Paul was suffering from paranoia, was out of his right mind. And afterwards he was in a...
“God permits the devil, our fellow men, and even ourselves to make wrong and evil choices (2 Thes 2:11). Let us not be shocked at this...
Choice and Choices
“The problem of pain, of war and the horror of war, of poverty and disease is always confronting us. But a God who allows no pain, no...
Heart (Illumination)
“What is the heart? In biblical and patristic usage, the term “heart” does not correspond to the emotions. Rather, it is synonymous with...
Repentance (Opportunities for)
“Repentance is a complete turning of one’s heart toward Absolute Goodness, and not only of the heart but also of the mind, the feelings,...
“The opposite of autonomy is theonomy. This is the belief that the fulfillment of human existence, while it begins in this world, is...