Faith and Love
“Our first encounter with Him is through faith. Faith opens the door of the soul, so that Christ can enter. Faith receives Him, subjects...
“Self-control, according to the spiritual tradition of the Church, is the spiritual mastery over the lusts of the mind and the flesh. It...
“Is our starting point God or man, a Christian humanism or secular humanism. . .?…When the human being sets himself or herself in the...
“The word used in the Beatitudes is, rather, ‘makarios‘. This Greek term had a long pre-Biblical history. It refers not to a relationship...
“When we seek the Lord, our heart begins to burn. The heart is warmed, and if our thoughts are concentrated in one point and the...
True Self
“God has created us for Himself and our hearts are designed to find their end in him, yet many spend their days restlessly craving rival...
“…let us never indulge in idle questioning. Speculation only opens the door to evil and leads us into moral and spiritual confusion. Only...
“The world’s present mood is not conducive to prayer and meditation. Mechanism and speed dominate all departments of our present day...
Spiritual Warfare and "the Strong Man"
“It is only in Saint Luke’s account that we read that wonderful verse of the healed demoniac sitting at the feet of Jesus…It is an...