“Though our secular society believes in the unseen forces of “dark matter,” “black holes,” and the “solar wind,” it denies the invisible...
Suffering (Finding God Within It)
“I was shocked by my suffering, because I hadn’t reckoned with the real fallenness of the world, and I wonder if my shock is a common one...
“…hubris seems to signify not pride but rather a failure of the aesthetic sense; the hubristic man is the man who cannot see that his...
Paradox (of Suffering and Freedom)
“…the most paradoxical thing that lies in the fact of freedom is that man cannot “free himself” from it—if he wanted to do so—unless he...
Sin and Forgiveness
“Sin is fundamentally a kind of demonic force that masters us and makes us demonic slaves when we give in to it (John 8:34)…Being an...
“In the Church of Christ, there is only one priesthood and one sacrifice. It is the priesthood of Jesus and the sacrifice of the Cross....
“…repentance does not fundamentally mean to feel guilty about our past sins, nor even merely to cease from sinning in the future....