Moral Perfection
“Imagine the case of a morally perfect human being – one who has never committed an infraction of the “moral law.” To the surprise of...
“I am becoming increasingly convinced that in our age of inattention, distraction, and scattered focus, the greatest gift we can offer...
Restoration (Judgment and Order)
“After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin and death entered the human experience. Instead of ordering the world around God, we tried to...
Heart and Mind
“The most important thing in prayer is when we focus our attention on the words we say so that our mind shouldn’t be distracted by...
Choices and the Thieves on the Cross
“The Cross presents each of us with the same choice that faced the two thieves crucified with Christ. The one found paradise, and the...
Christ Crucified
“…the Lord’s death on the Cross was no impersonal payment, no supernatural transaction to balance the scales of divine justice…The...
Fruitful vs Fruitless
“Good people do not keep Christ's word written on paper, for paper is external to man and can be lost. Neither do they only keep it in...
“Another reason we have lost respect for bodily purity is that we moderns have a tendency towards gnosticism, the belief system which in...
“The spiritual life consists in moving from light (that which we can readily see, experience, know, namely: creation) to darkness (the...
Morality within Reality
“Christ’s teaching cannot be reduced to morality (“do this because it’s good”). Rather, His teaching is ontological. If God, in His...