Gratitude and Grace
“Grace is a gift that is given to a person. And gratitude is his answer to a gift. The Lord gave man the whole world—in fact, the world...
“There is a kind of moral person with a passion for cleanliness, who runs to confession because for him any little spot is unbearable,...
Joy (Finding and Spreading)
“The reason the Church puts restrictions on pleasures…is not that she is against them, but she wants you to be able to distinguish...
Love of Self
“From a spiritual perspective, much of what we experience on a moment-to-moment basis, is pathological. That is to say, it is a product...
“The false narrative of secularism says that religious activity is the realm of human concern with God, and the only proper realm of such...
“The teaching of the faith regarding Personhood requires an acceptance of the connectedness of existence. Human sin tends towards...
Order and Disorder
“Have you seen how, with creation, when God wished to make creation, with how much harmony and godly wisdom everything was put together,...
Crosses to Bear
“ “Take up your cross,” says Jesus Christ. He didn’t say to create or construct yourself a cross. Christ also didn’t choose or build...
Knowing and Being Known
“The apostles were important in the life of the Church not because they knew a lot about Christ, but because they knew Christ. And so we...
“We do not always press the point of our shame to a place that is unbearable, but we do well to learn how to go to that place when we...