“Great changes occur continually in every aspect of our lives – physical, social, and spiritual. Most are beyond our control, for they...
“Today, there are more words and books and fewer living examples...Example is the most powerful rhetoric” (St. Paisios the Athonite,...
Complexity and Simplicity
“God is “a Spirit, an incomplex Being . . . not composed of a series or of a multitude of thoughts, or of a multitude of words or...
“…I begin my day with prayer and some beneficial reading, opening my heart to the divine energies of the Holy Spirit. This is a sort of...
“Boldness is not reckless impulsiveness. Boldness requires courage to press on through our fears and do what we know is right.” (Life...
God's Nearness
“Whether it’s combating habitual sin, toxic relationships, financial meltdowns, strong enemies growing ever stronger, nothing seems more...