God's Nature/Our Nature
“He is the all.” This verse declares the great truth of God's supreme omnipresence. He permeates everything, but also transcends...
“Grace is the deliverance that God gave the world. When we in the Church say “grace,” we understand this word to mean energy, the...
“The Christian belief about all that exists in creation is that it is good. That the universe exists is itself good and is the work of...
“In the created world only the human being combines material and spiritual elements. Human existence is thus differentiated from...
Character and Choices
“All of life’s choices have consequences, consequences for ourselves and consequences for the world around us. And when we fall into the...
“Great things aren’t just the legacy of unusually gifted great men and women. Great things are what you will accomplish when you put God...
“People who have the sort of mind that sees only one side to every question tend towards vigorous action. They succeed in everything they...