“In literature and in art, we call the inversion of two elements a “chiasm,” from the Greek letter Chi (Χ) that can be physically traced...
“…many of the key aspects which Scripture is primarily concerned with (including, as in Matthew 12, Who Jesus truly is) can only be...
Body and Soul/Spiritual and Physical
“That the soul is superior to the body is an assumption based in Hellenistic philosophy and is a bit dualistic as the bible presents...
Obedience (and Trust and Knowing God)
“We all have the experience of falling into our familiar sins again and again. Instead of being disheartened to the point that we no...
Obedience (and Stillness)
“As Holy Scripture records, “Noah did according to all the Lord God commanded him” (Gn 6:22), never uttering a word of reply to God....
“Everything is beautiful, all gives God glory in its unique manner. One cannot recognize that without the insight of the Holy Spirit. If...
“In the Christian (or post-Christian) West, declaring death in battle to be a sacrifice necessarily links it to Christ’s archetypical...
Knowing God, Ourselves, and Others
“…the Essence (or Super-Essence) of God is utterly unknowable and incomprehensible, while at the same time, the actions, operations, or...
Baptism and Repentance and Regenration
“Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently...
Knowing God
“Perhaps the most salient aspect of the sacramental life is something that has almost been forgotten within contemporary...