Grace (Willingness to Receive)
“All the Christians of St. John’s time, by “receiving of His fullness,” the “grace for grace,” actually shared in what the Logos...
Ego (Self-Will)
“…the opposite of love is ego…love is outwardly focused while ego is inwardly focused. Our little ego continually limits our worldview,...
Life ("Sea of Life")
“Such is our life! Calm and tempest alternate with each other; and time passes, passes, seeking to plunge into the abyss of eternity....
Humility and Pride
“The virtue of humility is best captured by our willingness to receive with thanksgiving those things (of whatever size) that come our...
Theosis/Union with God (2)
“Jesus Christ, by His Incarnation, life, death on the cross, Resurrection, and ascension, overcame sin and death by recreating and...
Prayer and the Heart
“The asceticism of prayer is important for each one of us. It is not always easy to pray. Quite the opposite! Prayer may bore you, it may...
“I find the bits and pieces of everyday life much more precious than the hopes and dreams of an unlived future. Clouds passing in the sky...
Sin and Being
“ ‘But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door. It desires to dominate you, but you must subdue it’ (Genesis 4:7)....
Inner/Outer Life
“Inner watchfulness is a primary element of our life in Christ, and far more important than following outward events. Our Lord makes this...
Love and Spiritual Gifts
“The gifts of the Spirit, wonderful as they are, are temporary and incomplete. They are for this age, while we are “children” (1...