“There will be good days – those days when things fall into place and you feel that God is using the gifts that He has given you for His...
Healing (through love, compassion, service)
“Indeed, Peter and John place no faith in their own abilities [Acts 3:1-8]. They trust wholly in Christ’s authority. They give what they...
“ ‘Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His...
“There are very few people who come to their senses, very few who understand life. We pray with our lips only, and we hurry through our...
“God writes upon our hearts the knowledge of His will… Our hearts must yearn for the things of God. The hunger to do His will is the...
“Human beings, by virtue of being created in the divine image, instinctively engage in mimesis, the imitation of their Creator. As...
Divine Nature
“The divine nature... surpasses every mental concept. For it is all together inaccessible to reasoning and conjecture, nor has there been...
“The dullness of our vision often hinders us from seeing the Lord’s presence in the relationships and situations we encounter every day.”...
Crucifixion and Resurrection
“The Resurrection was made possible only because of the crucifixion. An earthly death was required in order for the Resurrection to...
“The great condescension of the Son of God in becoming a man serves eternally as a perfect model of humility and self-giving love (Phil....