“…repentance does not fundamentally mean to feel guilty about our past sins, nor even merely to cease from sinning in the future....
“Freedom is an essential characteristic of the Christian life Christ promised that the truth would set us free…The experience of freedom...
“Behold, thou art made whole; sin no more.” [John 5:14] Experience proves that sins and passions destroy the health of the soul and the...
“I knew a woman who was a self-professed non-believer, though she was willing to believe. Her husband began bringing her to my parish....
Love (and Spiritual Blindness)
“Why does a man not see God? Because he has not love. He has not love because he does not love his brother…The heart’s eye must be...
“There will be good days – those days when things fall into place and you feel that God is using the gifts that He has given you for His...
“The Lord Jesus declares that God’s concern is to “save” and not to “condemn” (John 3:17). Why, then, does the Lord place the emphasis on...
“If you do good, you must do it only for God. For this reason you must pay no attention to the ingratitude of people. Expect a reward not...
“God is the source of all joy. When we rejoice in anything—our family and friends, our work and hobbies, a beautiful sunset, a moving...
Faith (as an Adventure)
“…an open-ended obedience to God’s call constitutes the nature of true faith. First, we obey. Only afterward do we grasp what God...