Grace (of the Holy Spirit)
“Man of himself is powerless to fulfill God’s commandments, wherefore it is said, ‘Ask, and it shall be given you’ (Mt. 7:7). And we if...
“…if the beauty and glory of Christ do not capture our imaginations, dominate our waking thought, and fill our hearts with longing and...
“…most of the thoughts which torment us from the inside are not ours at all, but come from the demons, that every one of us has the...
Suffering as a Gift
“Suffering not only bears witness to others...but also can serve to increase our faith. Suffering is a gift from Christ, as is faith: it...
“How often do we anticipate some really bad things: crosses that may happen in our lives? It is the real 'crosses' in our lives that we...
“The Greek word rendered “jealous” is the origin of the English word “zeal.” It means “jealous,” but also means “to strive after,”...
Repentance (for Others)
“Our souls are paralyzed by self-love, unable to lift a finger to help another at our own expense. Certainly most of us show concern for...
“Samuel's acuity in spiritual hearing came because he was a man prayerfully attuned to the Lord… The saints of all ages are persons whose...
Suffering (Comfort and Salvation)
“The source of afflictions is the sin of humanity. The purpose of afflictions, if we use them properly, may be our comfort and salvation,...
Seeing (the "Whole Picture")
“In our human condition, we do not always see things as they are: the fog of war and pain sets in. It is helpful to remember that though...