“…every created thing has a “logicity” – it is made by and through the Logos (Christ, the Word of God). The truth of any existing thing...
Good and Evil
“A false Eden represents a significant theme in the Scriptures—the attempt by human beings to make for themselves that which God had...
Self and Self-Will
“But Nietzsche, madman and destroyer of faith, fascinated me. His work was twisted and imaginative, truthful and awful and compelling; he...
“Before beginning any good deed, we must have recourse to God in prayer, ask for His grace, help and assistance, so that the work before...
“From a world held hostage by the idea that the quantifiably big, the numerically great, and the visibly expansive accurately describe...
“…we believe that this word of peace enters into the violence of history not as an idea but as a Person….The pervasive, cosmic peace we...
God's Presence
“And it is very characteristic that the words symvolon (‘symbol’) and diavolos (‘devil,’ literally ‘slanderer’) have a common root in the...
Rules and Legalism
“Isn’t it amazing that everyone is taught grammar so no one writes in his own way, but according to the rules? They try to teach everyone...
“It is the eternal, timeless God who gives meaning to time by imbuing it with holiness and incorporating time into eternity…Time was...
“There is a kind of moral person with a passion for cleanliness, who runs to confession because for him any little spot is unbearable,...