“Everything is paradox, and we throw ourselves upon the mercy of God… as Grace increases in our lives, we become more like Christ through...
Mercy, Judgement and Justice
“Divine justice is radically different from human justice. There is no equal exchange remotely possible;…“the whole moral order as we...
“In the Christian (or post-Christian) West, declaring death in battle to be a sacrifice necessarily links it to Christ’s archetypical...
“When the disciples first heard Christ say “Follow Me,” they were doing their daily work as fishermen. Let us not think that His calling...
“Critical for every servant of God, given our unavoidable struggle against the passions, is prayerful watchfulness…God endows each person...
“There is a relationship between sin and death. Sin causes death, and the fear of death leads one to sin and thus to bondage, Christ sets...
“We are obsessed with control, yet there is no nobility in doing something when you know exactly what the outcome will be. That’s why...
“Many believers today think that pain is the exception in the Christian life. When suffering occurs, they say, “Why me?” They feel as...
“...sin is committed in three stages, namely, the suggestion of it, the pleasure experienced, and the consent…Our captivity to sin begins...
Gift Giving
"The giving of gifts is a natural response to Jesus’ stupendous act of self-giving, when He laid aside his glory and was born into the...