Looking Backwards/Looking to the Past
“Ultimately, none of us are defined by our past, but rather we are defined by what we become in Christ. This is why we can declare...
Prayer (Difficulties, Challenges of, Struggles)
“God is love and though it is at times hard for us to bear, God sometimes chooses for us a different path than that which we are praying...
“…we believe that this word of peace enters into the violence of history not as an idea but as a Person….The pervasive, cosmic peace we...
God's Presence
“And it is very characteristic that the words symvolon (‘symbol’) and diavolos (‘devil,’ literally ‘slanderer’) have a common root in the...
God's Love
“As soon as the Lord looked upon this paralyzed man and looked upon the faith of those who brought Him, He immediately said to the man...
“We have within us the beginning of the Divine—the ability to recognize the uncreated God, sensing His presence in our lives and trusting...
“Our Lord Jesus Christ warned us that we will hear all kinds of bad news from around the world, and Christianity may go into decline. Far...
Community, Individualism and How to Live
“To be a father means to have a child, and at the same time, to be a son means to have a father. Each term needs the other to have...
Solitude /Stillness /Silence
“Our lives are often filled with tensions and judgments with jealousy and greed – all of which serve to deaden our hearts and make us...
Prayer (Being Prayer and Living Prayer)
“Prayer is an encounter with God. It’s not just a question of sacred duty, not some kind of religious obligation, and even less is it...