“Once, a very spiritual professor…was asked: “Who was the greatest teacher in your life?” He replied: “My mistakes.” His mistakes were...
Gratitude and Grace
“Grace is a gift that is given to a person. And gratitude is his answer to a gift. The Lord gave man the whole world—in fact, the world...
Love of Self
“From a spiritual perspective, much of what we experience on a moment-to-moment basis, is pathological. That is to say, it is a product...
Grief and Grieving
“There is a movement to our grief—a progression that leads to a conclusion. That conclusion is a place of acceptance and peace—acceptance...
Joy and Health
“The human person is soul and body, spiritual and physical, and the scientist of the soul must navigate the complex interrelationship of...
Love and Treatment of Others
“Love is the greatest gift of God that man can receive in this temporary world… Burdened with all kinds of problems that, in general, are...
“If we want God to abide in us we have to learn to be patient! The anger which so rapidly arises in us also creates the inner environment...
“Forgiveness is so terribly hard. On a psychological level, it feels dangerous. The shame engendered by any insult or injury is our...
Service and Others
“Called by Isaiah “the just One who serves many well” (Is 53:11), Christ reveals through His life and teaching the high calling of...
“There is a teaching on the energies that is far more prosaic even practical to be found in the early fathers . That teaching can be...