“I am becoming increasingly convinced that in our age of inattention, distraction, and scattered focus, the greatest gift we can offer...
“The Church is not merely a refuge from the troubles and sorrow of the world, though it can be that. Its real purpose is to equip us to...
“There is an etymological connection between authority and authenticity. The word authentic is from the Greek authentikos, meaning...
“While the rich man was probably being sincere when he insisted I have wholeheartedly obeyed all these laws [Mark 10:20], he had confined...
Faith, Trust, and Belief
“When we separate faith from everything else, we make it into belief. It becomes the assent to the truth of something that cannot be...
Authority and Submission
“Any form or expression of authority, then, must not be the expression of human pride but of humility before God, of assimilation to the...