“Christianity demands that the family be a small church…Our home is a little church, and creating the right sort of context and...
“From a lack of contentment comes death…What we see in the Garden is paradise. A place of intimate and immediate communion with God,...
“This reduction of the world to information is a common error of the modern period. The world and data-about-the-world are considered to...
Community, Individualism and How to Live
“To be a father means to have a child, and at the same time, to be a son means to have a father. Each term needs the other to have...
“…our awareness is so freighted with thinking. Whenever we turn within we meet chatter, thinking, and commenting…But because the...
“Everything is beautiful, all gives God glory in its unique manner. One cannot recognize that without the insight of the Holy Spirit. If...
Service and Others
“Called by Isaiah “the just One who serves many well” (Is 53:11), Christ reveals through His life and teaching the high calling of...
Human Nature
“There is no second uncaused causal principle, parallel to God, no principle of the existential fact that is evil by nature, nor a second...
“…our age is haunted. On the one hand, we live under a brass heaven, ensconced in immanence. We live in the twilight of both gods and...
Sin, Nature, and Will
“The worst conclusion to draw is the notion of a “sin nature” (a horrible theological error). A “nature” (by definition) is “what a thing...