Spiritual Warfare
“So, attention is the central point of spiritual warfare, the focus of Christian life, the criterion and measure of salvation of the...
Fire and Light
“God is consuming fire. When an object touches fire, it is changed: either it is burned up, or it is tempered. So too, a man, in touching...
“It would seem that we are back to the very beginning with the serpent in Eden—the first Gnostic?—whispering that God is not a good God...
Spiritual Growth and Maturity
“The evangelist tells us, “He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town” (Mk 8:23). The town represents the security...
“Every human being is unique and has unique physical and mental properties. The demons try to find an individual approach to everyone,...
Intellectual Pride
“The pride of the mind is much more disastrous than the pride of the will, because the pride of the will can be observed by the mind,...
Humility and Pride
“The virtue of humility is best captured by our willingness to receive with thanksgiving those things (of whatever size) that come our...
Thoughts, Words, Actions, Deeds
“For in every condition of human life, there are souls that please God and have their hidden deeds wherein He takes delight. Whence it is...
“From the moment you meet and convert to Christ, your intensely difficult spiritual work begins of self-improvement, of being transformed...