“Christian witness is not just supplying material needs. It is supplying all human needs: material needs as well as consolation,...
“…how often do we tend to look upon Christ’s divine commandments with some degree of resentment, or with fear, or even with an...
Gifts and Talents
“It’s impossible to harvest the fields with a shovel, or to hammer with a sickle, or to build with a knife, or to dig with a saw… but...
God's Will vs Self Will
“Doing God’s will is easier said than done, for many factors enter into our lives which weaken our resolve to do His will. One only has...
“True knowledge changes us. “If only I had known,” can also mean, “If only I had been a different person.” Knowledge, in this biblical...
“The Christian belief about all that exists in creation is that it is good. That the universe exists is itself good and is the work of...
Human Nature
“There is no second uncaused causal principle, parallel to God, no principle of the existential fact that is evil by nature, nor a second...
“Some of what we experience of God still remains a mystery despite our entering into that mystery. Human logic is not able to account for...
Faith and Reason
“Faith is critical if we are not to remain earthbound. Divine matters cannot be comprehended with the mind, but we are conditioned in our...
Faith, Trust, and Belief
“When we separate faith from everything else, we make it into belief. It becomes the assent to the truth of something that cannot be...