“When Esau and Jacob were born, Scripture records that the younger son, Jacob, follows so quickly that he grasps onto the heel of his...
Faith as Relationship
“In theory, our modern culture believes that relationships with other people are merely psychological phenomena – they are all in our...
Troubles and Trials
“… when we deal with suffering it can be difficult to understand and convey why things are happening. St. Paul writes of suffering (and...
“Christ has come according to the power given Him from the Almighty Father, and has summoned people to friendship, blessing, repentance,...
“Vulnerability is something we instinctively reject because we are taught from kindergarten on that we must protect ourselves, control...
“The indwelling of the Holy Spirit…is God’s ultimate gift to every true Christian. The Holy Spirit is an inestimable divine endowment...
“Evil arises from the abuse of the free will God has granted his higher creatures and is tolerated for a while as the price of their...
“The term “worldview,” from the German word Weltanschauung, means the comprehensive perspective from which we interpret all of reality....
“Christianity should not be reduced to political activism or the enforcement of morality, for societal reformation can take place only...
March 25 Significance
“…March 25, which is traditionally considered in Christendom to be the date of the first Good Friday, the Fall of Adam and Eve, and also...