“In the Christian (or post-Christian) West, declaring death in battle to be a sacrifice necessarily links it to Christ’s archetypical...
Christian Life
“…to grow in the faith and to mature in our Christian life, we need to “turn aside” from our thoughtless and superficial way of life. We...
“…we see in Paul’s words, “Scripture confined all under sin” (Galatians 3:22). The Greek word “confined” comes from the root “to shut up...
Family and Relationships
“Our culture is rooted in assumptions of radical individualism. It believes that we are not only distinct and separate from everything...
Inner/Outer Life
“Inner watchfulness is a primary element of our life in Christ, and far more important than following outward events. Our Lord makes this...
Holy Spirit
“Because the early Church treated the entire period from Pascha-Ascension-Pentecost as one 50 day feast, they did not separate the...
God's Personal Nature
“God is not a static object. He is personal and therefore acts in freedom. We can know or perceive Him because He makes Himself known. By...
Jesus Christ
“… Jesus Christ is described in a plethora of images: the Prophet, the King, the Messiah, the High Priest, the Lamb and the Suffering...
“In the Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox Church, the litanies (petitions) end with “… let us commend ourselves, one another, and our whole...
Wisdom (2)
“… the acquisition of wisdom is always conditional, for God makes wisdom available only when two major “ifs” apply to us: “if [we] call...