“…many of the key aspects which Scripture is primarily concerned with (including, as in Matthew 12, Who Jesus truly is) can only be...
“Although it is not readily apparent, we experience disappointments and hardships first as shame. It is only after the experience of...
Day of the Lord
“Let us consider how our lives might change if we made the “day of the Lord” the point of reference for guiding and correcting ourselves....
“People can memorize huge portions of Scripture, read the Bible from cover to cover a dozen times, learn all of the intricacies of...
“Although it is certain that everything that exists or happens in this world is ordered by God’s providence, nevertheless certain things...
“Redemption has a technical meaning relative to the freeing of slaves. Here, the bondage is to sins; the act of releasing is forgiveness;...
Suffering (Sharing in Others Suffering)
“The godly suffer, in part, so that having experienced God's comfort they in turn can comfort others. Thus, Paul shows the fallacy in his...
“Great things aren’t just the legacy of unusually gifted great men and women. Great things are what you will accomplish when you put God...