“…salvation is something plainly visible – salvation can be seen by all humans. Salvation is thus not merely a theological concept or...
“Just as God sent Jesus back into the world with his wounds, so we are sent into each day with our wounds…Jesus His followers with their...
“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the...
“Distraction serves a purpose. Like gargoyles guarding the roofline of a cathedral, distractions first serve to ward off those who lack...
“What is the problem with a reliance on self-discipline (Colossians 2:23)? Whatever is self-imposed does not derive from God. Rather, it...
““The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”(Psalm 14:1). This verse is not so much about principled atheists,...
“Christ's Ascension is His enthronement in the fullness of divine authority and glory. Icons of the Ascension represent Christ in such a...
Encountering God/Christ
“Reading the Scriptures, studying the church fathers, attending worship, praying, and meditating are all good and godly things. But they...
Love Thy Neighbor
“The standard of judgment is uncalculated mercy toward others. The works produced by faith are emphasized, for saving faith always...
“Disregard occurs whenever we fail to consider God’s view of how we are living – including our inaction…Chronic disregard sears the...