Time (How We Spend it)
“Time is on our side, or at least on this side of eternity. Eternity is not time continuing on forever, but the end of time or a state in...
Freedom (as and through Love and Service)
“…Christianity is fundamentally about freedom in Christ….freedom is difficult to discuss or describe, since it does not conform to what...
“The God of love and peace became incarnate in history and, like a glowing landmark, made a clear distinction between pre-Christian...
Sin and Choice of Self
“…sin indicates spiritual illness…God never departs from us. It is we who depart from Him. It is we who become spiritually ill through...
Daily Bread
“Give us this day our daily bread.”…Daily is a misleading translation of the Greek epiousios, which is literally “above the essence” or...
“The average lifespan of an emotion is about ninety seconds. However, when we replay painful memories, or when we ruminate over...
“Freedom is an essential characteristic of the Christian life Christ promised that the truth would set us free…The experience of freedom...
Spiritual Progress and Regress
“It is not those who begin the race who are seen as champions, but only those who finish the race. As Jesus taught us in Matthew 10:22 –...
Joy and Happiness - Part 1
“…we have a misleading idea at the very head of our Constitution: the pursuit of happiness. One can not pursue happiness; if he does he...
"We all have one thing in common. We all share in the brokenness of humanity." (Deacon and Fellow Pilgrim) “We share one human nature in...