“The story of ‘the Fall’ is the story of human self-will: we like to do what we want regardless of how our relationships or others are...
Character and Choices
“All of life’s choices have consequences, consequences for ourselves and consequences for the world around us. And when we fall into the...
“The Church is not merely a refuge from the troubles and sorrow of the world, though it can be that. Its real purpose is to equip us to...
Faith, Trust, and Belief
“When we separate faith from everything else, we make it into belief. It becomes the assent to the truth of something that cannot be...
“How do we make idols in our time? Whenever organizations, behaviors, and enterprises claim the commitment and loyalty that belongs to...
Troubles and Trials
“… when we deal with suffering it can be difficult to understand and convey why things are happening. St. Paul writes of suffering (and...
“The indwelling of the Holy Spirit…is God’s ultimate gift to every true Christian. The Holy Spirit is an inestimable divine endowment...
“Evil arises from the abuse of the free will God has granted his higher creatures and is tolerated for a while as the price of their...
“The ideas that constitute “modernity” center around life as management. Modernity assumes that life can be managed, and that human...
“God gives us time, gifts, and other resources according to our abilities, and He expects us to invest them wisely until He returns. We...