“Christian witness is not just supplying material needs. It is supplying all human needs: material needs as well as consolation,...
Mercy, Judgement and Justice
“Divine justice is radically different from human justice. There is no equal exchange remotely possible;…“the whole moral order as we...
“…we believe that this word of peace enters into the violence of history not as an idea but as a Person….The pervasive, cosmic peace we...
God's Presence
“And it is very characteristic that the words symvolon (‘symbol’) and diavolos (‘devil,’ literally ‘slanderer’) have a common root in the...
“Working with words, we tend to become enmeshed in ideas and abstractions. We quickly forget that the One whom we name as the “Word”...
Intercessory Prayer
“Intercessory prayer “in behalf of all and for all” is a deliberate and decisive act of those individuals who have been baptized into...
God's Will vs Self Will
“Doing God’s will is easier said than done, for many factors enter into our lives which weaken our resolve to do His will. One only has...
“I find the bits and pieces of everyday life much more precious than the hopes and dreams of an unlived future. Clouds passing in the sky...
Community, Individualism and How to Live
“To be a father means to have a child, and at the same time, to be a son means to have a father. Each term needs the other to have...
Individualism versus Personhood
“When modern people use the term “person,” we mean it as synonymous with “individual.” In other words, we unconsciously assume the...