Our Own Good
“Nothing that happens to us escapes God’s notice and care; not a tear falls to the ground that He does not remember. When we suffer, it...
“Hardship need not break us. It can build, refine and reveal. That is the work of providence, God’s good will working in us a glory that...
“What is right in God’s eyes must always be guided by what is the most loving and compassionate action for the sake of the one(s)...
“Mark 6:7-13, especially vs. 7: “And He called the twelve to Himself, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over...
“Troubles and difficulties are a tool which refines and purifies our faith, producing patience and endurance…To “wait” for the Lord...
“Many believers today think that pain is the exception in the Christian life. When suffering occurs, they say, “Why me?” They feel as...
“…modern believers may know that God is real, but He is real…only at defined moments. …In none of them is God steadily the dominant...
"I can easily be distracted from the “signs” with which God is choosing to reveal Himself in my life, through the situations and human...
Church Unity and Division
“Unity is a difficult thing, perhaps the most elusive of all Christian realities…Unity has always been an American ideal, but uniformity...