“We have to follow our life’s path, although our life isn’t always perfect. Let’s not just stand around waiting for everything to be...
“All of us are born into this world with a deep and insatiable longing for Paradise. Perhaps we are not even aware of it. Most of us bury...
“We are lulled into a form of complacency by our culture’s exaltation of “objective” knowledge. We fail to notice that, even in very...
“I knew a woman who was a self-professed non-believer, though she was willing to believe. Her husband began bringing her to my parish....
“The Church is not merely a refuge from the troubles and sorrow of the world, though it can be that. Its real purpose is to equip us to...
“In the original Greek, the word for “conscience” has the root of self-knowledge…The conscience is the witness that compares one’s...
Lies and Lying
“Among the weakest things in the world of social relations is the truth. That might seem to be an odd statement. However, the weakness of...
Hell (Hatred and Disdain)
“We observe how the Lord often focuses attention on our disdain for one another. We encounter this common attitude in ourselves every...
Fear (and Conflict)
“…we were troubled on every side. Outside were conflicts, inside were fears (2 Corinthians 7:5). In this passage St. Paul captures what...