“Rather than support a life of prayer our society keeps us perpetually distracted and erodes our ability to concentrate, compromises our...
Created Order
“Our roots, our heritage, and our life experiences shape us, for in them, as in every aspect of the created order, the hand of the Lord...
“What is spiritual renewal? It is when you are no longer weighed down by the burden of past traumas and mistakes, your present is filled...
Spiritual Growth and Maturity
“The evangelist tells us, “He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town” (Mk 8:23). The town represents the security...
“Every human being is unique and has unique physical and mental properties. The demons try to find an individual approach to everyone,...
Work (Sacredness of)
“It was said to mankind in the person of Adam: In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread (Gen. 3:19). Any work that we do every day,...
Love and Worth
“…views modern man as an ‘achievement-subject’ where personal identity and self-worth is not related to relationships, duties, spiritual...
Sacramental Understanding and Living
“…in the sacraments, we are not asking God to make something to be other than it is but to reveal it to be what it truly is…A problem...
Meaning of Life
“The distinction between things that are Caesar's and things that are God's does not imply the division of a believer's life into the...
Light of Christ
“Over and over again, St. John emphasizes that because Jesus Christ is the God-man, He reveals most perfectly what God is like and what...