Fear and Awe
“Divine awe has nothing to do with trepidation – by which I mean, not the tremulousness induced by joy, but the trepidation induced by...
“In literature and in art, we call the inversion of two elements a “chiasm,” from the Greek letter Chi (Χ) that can be physically traced...
False Gods
“No one forces us to choose today between idolatry and faithfulness, but we so often freely worship false gods when we ground the meaning...
Looking Backwards/Looking to the Past
“Ultimately, none of us are defined by our past, but rather we are defined by what we become in Christ. This is why we can declare...
Breath and Breathing
“I know well from a history of panic attacks that shallow, quickened breath is a symptom of deep distress. I also know well the wild...
Prayer (Difficulties, Challenges of, Struggles)
“God is love and though it is at times hard for us to bear, God sometimes chooses for us a different path than that which we are praying...
“Everything we can see is in reality calling us to something much deeper, and everything in creation transcends its material existence.”...
Good and Evil
“A false Eden represents a significant theme in the Scriptures—the attempt by human beings to make for themselves that which God had...
“We have insisted on going our own way without bothering with the will and ways of our Creator. Yet this attitude is the bedrock of human...
“The Gospel mentions several points when it was demanded of the Lord to give an immediate answer, but He remained silent: And when He was...