Trials and Temptations
“What is the danger of being astonished when such a trial comes? Let’s go back to the Last Supper that Jesus had with his disciples....
Prayer and God's Will
“…when someone cries out: “God, help me!” God immediately comes to help him. But not all our desires are good. And since our desires lead...
“If we want God to abide in us we have to learn to be patient! The anger which so rapidly arises in us also creates the inner environment...
“We humans have a very limited perspective on life, the cosmos and the divine. Our perspectives are limited by our own personal...
“The spiritual life consists in moving from light (that which we can readily see, experience, know, namely: creation) to darkness (the...
Morality within Reality
“Christ’s teaching cannot be reduced to morality (“do this because it’s good”). Rather, His teaching is ontological. If God, in His...
“The Genesis narrative shows that the relationship between Man and God is not primarily an intellectual one (the contemplative raising of...
“Christians must carry the radiant image of Christ through the twilight of life in the modern world, proclaiming it to the world, which...
“Self-deification [through culture] is not life-giving but . . . death-bringing.” (Vigen Guroian) “…the whole of our journey through life...
“Perhaps a great surprise in Christ’s parable of the Last Judgment (Matthew 25:31-46) is that God’s judgment of us is not based on the...