“…because Jesus Christ is the Truth, Ultimate Truth is personal, and not simply statements of facts, or other kinds of ideas or...
Spiritual Warfare and Choice
“This world is a world of mixed powers. This world is a field of battle on which people must consciously and voluntarily choose: either...
Solitude /Stillness /Silence
“Our lives are often filled with tensions and judgments with jealousy and greed – all of which serve to deaden our hearts and make us...
“Another reason we have lost respect for bodily purity is that we moderns have a tendency towards gnosticism, the belief system which in...
Morality within Reality
“Christ’s teaching cannot be reduced to morality (“do this because it’s good”). Rather, His teaching is ontological. If God, in His...
“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the...
“ ‘Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. For from now on five in one house will...
Hand of God
“God, in His providence, is directing our lives according to His plan and purpose. Hunting for livestock or having a vehicle break down...
God's Will and Idols/Idolatry
“Knowing the will of God is one of the most delicate and complicated matter of our lives, especially for those who are trying to find it...
“…modern believers may know that God is real, but He is real…only at defined moments. …In none of them is God steadily the dominant...